Thursday, December 13, 2012

German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is Awesome

The German Shepherd is a very good dog. It was the very first breed of dog to appear on a real movie. Thanks to that movie Warner Brothers was kept from going bankrupt. Then, due to their intelligence and power, they were then brought into the military and police force. German shepards come in three main colors, all black, black and tan, and recently they have been seen in white.

With the abilit to be called back when sent to attack, the German Shepherd is an ideal way for a police man to use force. It is ideal because if the officer decides to use a gun, he isn't able to call back that bullet. Also the German Shepherd has a bite force that is second only to the rottweiler.

If you are planning on getting a German Shepherd be prepared to find clumps of fur everywhere. Also the German Shepherd is a very healthy dog in general, but it is common for them to get hip dysplasia. As puppies the German Shepherds ears are loose and hanging but when it grows up they get stiff and upright. When the German Shepherd is a puppy is when it should be trained, because of its powerful bite. Also if you have one and you are planning on having guests, you should tell them to be careful because the German Shepherd is very protective of it's family.

I first thought that the German Shepherd was a really good dog when I was researching loyal dogs. When I did this I made it a goal that if I got to decide on getting a dog it would be a German Shepherd. The German Shepherd was at first decided on during world war 2 because the Germans were tryng to create the perfect service dog.
All info was found on and